"So someone free me from the cage inside my mind!"

Hello everyone! Today is another day to read a well written poem. I mean, when is it ever not?lol! 
On today's episode of who hurt who -not that I have any episodes like this on my page but okay- we have a poem titled COLOURS OF DEPRESSION. 

Jokes aside, I dedicate today's post to everyone fighting demons in their heads. What demons? Nice question. Most of us go through a lot of tough  times in our lives. Sometimes, we feel like everything is too heavy for us to bare. We overthink about almost everything. Sometimes we can't take the next step without wondering whether or not you are good enough for that step. Hey there, I see you. 

I see your struggles and your pain. I want you to know that you are not alone. All your anxiety and insecurities, I see it all. I don't know if you'll believe me when I tell you that it gets better but it does. Although it may not feel that way but it won't hurt forever. Trust me. You are going to get out of your pain stronger and braver than you got in

For those of you who are not hurting from either anxiety or depression. This is a little something to help you understand what goes on in their minds. Of course, you can't describe a feeling as it is. But you can try, right? It's the effort that counts, isn't it? 

So, have you ever felt down, depressed, in pain, confused or lost? In this blog, we are breaking through barriers such as these. And the first step to breaking through anything is to face it and creating awareness about it. (At least that's what i think the first step is) Therefore, enjoy my efforts! If you can relate to any of this then don't forget to subscribe and leave a comment. 


I want to smile

Saturday afternoon,
The wind blows from the west
Blowing cold chills into my "love" nest
And I casually blow air into my chest
Painting pictures of my pain
Sketching drawings of my not-so-there gain
And the sun hit me again,
Bringing colour to my depression

A tree leaf falls,
My eyeball tags along
I've never seen a fall that long
Besides the pit inwhich I belong
It colours my depression,
Giving it my undivided attention,
Choosing colours with a dark impression
To announce my inner rejection

Scared to close my eyes,
Because I want something different,
A life that isn't mine because it shines so bright,
So I said my silent prayers in the midst of the night,
Hoping my inner demons won't put up a fight,
Or that the mighty Lord might paint me white
Because this darkness is just too bright
Won't someone free me from the cage inside my mind!

I need to fix this but then again there is that 'BUT'

I'm angry!
The wind keeps blowing this time's to the East,
I brainstormed colours to sugarcoat all this,
Red or  Blue, just anything bright,
Bright enough to blind the minions in my mind,
Or enough to cast away demonic knives
That keep cutting with all their might,
Bringing a dark colour to my depression

I clenched a fist,
Why do I bother? I can't even fight!
Suppose I could, where do I even start??,
Is it my mind or is my heart that can't act right?
Cause I want a Yes but there's a 'But'
And then the rest's an endless pit of self hate
I need to fix this but again there is that 'BUT'
Where just ..."Where do you even start?"

I want a life,
So I thought red would be my saviour
But red can only scream and preach of danger
She sided with death, made me a stranger
Filled with blood and filled with anger
Sister sister, molten candles, a bleeding heart,
She pierced the knives into my soul, it didn't hurt,
At least it meant I could be loved with a bleeding heart.

I want a smile,
So I thought blue would do the trick,
Word play turned into heart play and mind tricks,
Pull and push and I was moulded into a stick,
Broken bones hurt less than this,
Blue Mondays, Purple Fridays, I need a quick fix,
So I kept drowning in my sorrow, eyes closed,
Finding colour for my depression.

➡️Finding colours for my depression.


And just like that, she found it hard to find the perfect colour to coat her depression. Have you ever had struggles of your own that you'd like to share? Be sure to leave a comment cause you never know who's heart you might touch. 

Say something positive. Heal a bleeding heart. Afterall, we all know how much power words can hold. 

And don't forget to subscribe. :)


  1. Girl... you are amazing as always... i felt this poem so much... I could relate so much but as always nothing lasts forever...

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed it. And yes, nothing lasts forever. Good will come!

    2. This jst related to me on a really deep spiritual level! Girl i freaking love this!!😣😔


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