Soft Spot

Welcome back to my blog. If it's your first time here don't worry, this is also my first time being a little serious with it. Therefore, my guess is that you haven't missed much.

Today's poem is titled Soft Spot. Having a soft spot for something means having a strong afffection or liking towards that thing. This can make you do things you wouldn't normally do. We all have a soft spot for something anyway, right? Or  even someone. Do you think that having a soft spot for something is a weakness or is it a strength? I'm curious, do you have a soft spot for someone? Or something? 

I hope you'll enjoy my poem
                              SOFT SPOT         
It's a soft spot for a bleeding soul

Did I tell you about my secret?
About the desires in my heart?
Was I honest or did i cheat?
Cause there are plenty of whom I've hurt.
Did I tell you i'm cold yet hot?
Or that I'd burn and break you without a doubt?
But I hope you will never find out
That i have a soft spot for a broken heart

Everything I touch, I destroy,
I'm not one to pause like a toy,
Can't you see I don't deserve
All the nice things you give?
Did i tell you about that week
I killed the dog that made me weak
But cross my heart you'll never know
That I have a soft spot for a broken soul

Two truths can make a lie,
I like to run, I like to hide,
But I don't like to run and hide,
Because i'm certainly not a coward.
They never face what they feel
And hope to God their wounds heal
So to you i'll never reveal
That I have a soft spot for a bleeding heart.

Who hurt you? I need to know
The kinda fool who'd let you go
Are you dazzled? Are you shocked?
To think I'd have such weak thoughts
I know you think I'm not a believer
But your tears keep flowing like a river
And that soft spot is getting bigger
Cause it's a soft spot for a crying soul

Listen, I understand if you choose
to walk away and seek a muse
I won't blame you if you leave
To find the love I can not give.
I know you're strong but yet too weak
And that you're bold yet down and blue
You think I'm mean you'll never know
That I'd have a soft spot for someone like you.

A soft spot is a mere weakness
That can creep you up on the darkest nights
So I am scared you'll walk away
When you realize that all I do
Is break my rules just for you.
I don't know the rules of your game
But you tend to lose the lamest fights
And this gives me a soft spot
for the betrayed like you.

I have a soft spot

for you.......

Writers always learn and grow. One way I can grow as a writer is if my readers give me feedback on my work. Did you like this one? What are your thoughts on having a soft spot for someone? Is it a weakness or a strength? Please, leave a comment and subscribe for more content. You won't regret it.

Catch you next week. (Just between us, I might be developing a soft spot for blogging)


  1. First time visiting this blog..but it's amazing to see Lulu's another superb side i never knew🙌🔥

    1. I am glad i helped you discover your love for poetry. I hope you keep enjoying my content

  2. Just between us, as well, I might be developing a soft spot for your poems🔥

    1. I love the sound of that. Thank you very much for such support. You wont regret it

  3. Honestly, this poem goes too deep inside... my girl you are so talented😍

    1. I'm glad you liked it. Something tells me you can relate 💃

  4. This is a wonderful poem. The whole idea of a soft spot is quite moving, it moved me and it will move anyone who will read this, I hope. I personally don't think that having a soft spot is necessarily a weakness rather a sign of strength. It shows the courage into liking something or someone regardless of whether you'll be liked back or not. We are living in the world where people are cowards when it comes to express their liking to people or things. People fake almost anything nowadays and it hurts when you know they can fake emotions too. I believe when you say you are not a coward yourself which is why you have a soft spot. I like this poem. It is so relatable. Good job Lulu.

    1. I'm glad that you shared your perspective. I agree that love can make people stronger whilst others view it as a sign of weakness. Well, i guess there are two sides to every coin afterall

  5. What a wonderful poem,actually i was not a fan of poem but you really make me one of them now😉...keep it up friend we always on your back

    1. I'm glad I played a part in helping you develop your love for poems. You better subscribe already cause i have a feeling you're about to fall in love with this page

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Undergrounds of level with diplomatic reasons, I like giving credit when it's due. Soft spot is just a Wow. I mean it's so amazing. If I could rate this out of ten, I wouldnt hesitate to give it ten stars. It's deep and I love it... Thumbs up! I'm a fan.

  8. Gurl😍😍😍this is just the sweetest thing I've read.
    Keep at it.

  9. Gurl😍😍😍this is just the sweetest thing I've read.
    Keep at it.


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