"Perhaps a little more pain doesn’t kill, Does it?"
Hello everyone! It has been a while since I last posted an update for all of you poetry lovers but forgive me for that. Hope it helps but I came back with another food for your soul. Did you miss me? *inserts smiley face* That being said, intend to keep my introduction short. If you are new to this page, welcome to this fun-to-read blog designed to help you get through your day with a good read. You're here for a reason...
Okay, jokes aside. I dedicate today's poem to every strong girl out there who's been forced to remain strong due to circumstances and experiences. To every girl who has had to smile through their darkest days, keep their heads high and take a step further. hey girl, I see you! It must hard to stay focused when you feel like something is constantly dragging you down and the society keeps throwing you triumphs. But here's a little something you can take from me, even in the darkest of days there is still light. It is the faith that everything will be alright in the end that keeps us moving. Don't lose that because once that is lost, what else would be left? You don't want to lose yourself, do you? Ironic as it may sound, there could be people out there who would love to have your bad days... babygirl... keep fighting.
Even though this poem speaks of the main character as a 'she', the reality is far more complex. She could be anyone and every one of us. We all struggle to be better in some ways and we all pretend to be okay even when we are not. We all go through a lot of uncertainties, hardships, pain and suffering but I hope that in the end, we get out of them stronger and better than ever!
If you feel like no one understands you... somebody does...
Enjoy this read!
Let my fears echo through the darkness of night
She looked up with her eyes so warm,
Her lips curved to form a beautifully crooked smile,
There was something about the curve of her lips
Intangible yet so robust in one’s mind
A blissful pain
The girl maintained the curve of her rosebud lips,
A curve with agony and a relentless discomfort,
Her eyes watered but she only showed the smile
Perhaps that’s the new style
The style of a troubled soul
She took a few steps further,
Walking away from the cruelty of her world,
because every time she screamed they heard a whisper,
And every time she cried they heard her laughter,
Like a beautiful tragedy
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Every step left a print and her eyes got warmer,
As she walked past the fancy bloodthirsty road,
Her prints were beautifully dark and mischievous,
And every green she touched withered
Spreading her sickness
Her warm eyes watered a little more,
She had a lump she couldn’t swallow,
Perhaps tears could paint the picture,
Of the knives cutting deeper,
Cutting without stopping.
“Rock my boat like it is not what holds my life still,
Let the anger of the Gods shout through the strength of the wind,
Or the voices of the ancestors scream through the waves of the ocean,
Rock my boat like it’s nothing but a wooden box
That seeks to hold me with its broken arms
Let my fears echo through the darkness of night
For I am but a sinking ship”
She says.
She walked majestically towards the darker door,
And the door gave a friendly smile, so knowingly,
Giving rise to the beautiful destruction of her very own soul,
Perhaps a little more pain doesn’t kill,
Does it?
Hope you enjoyed reading this. If you are new here and would like to read more poems like this, you can start by checking where it hurts, soft spot and colors of depression. However, if you'd like something with a different theme you could start with Binti from Abroad (such a lovely read which I'm sure you're going to love!)
If you relate to any of this or are struggling with anything leave a comment or drop me an email. Don't forget to subscribe
Until next time
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